StarSeed Indigo Blue Ray Activator Course

I have 20 years of experience navigating thru my own StarSeed Indigo Blue Ray innerstanding and have taught in the past to help others find and clear themselves from the Matrix of Family Genetic Past Life Imprints - connecting to your Divine Blueprint in more Peace Love and Harmony moving forward at this time. 

If you are interested, please let me know by sending me a message. 

Let’s get together and start creating a clearer path forward for humanity and discover what your mission is for this lifetime and how you can do this in the kindness and easiest path forward. 

πŸ’Ž This course will help you to Awaken your Multi-Dimensional Light Body & your Super Human Gifts, Talents and Abilities for your StarSeed Indigo Blue Ray Consciousness & Celestial Ascension

πŸ’Ž Receive Expanded Chakra System upgrades & Dormant DNA Light Language Activation's thru the Earth Grids & Star Gates bringing deeper innerstanding to you Galactic Origins and Root Race History of Mother Earth 

πŸ’Ž Clear old belief systems and feelings for yourself and to help others navigating thru the Indigo Trauma & Awakening matrix and also to align with your StarSeed Indigo Blue Ray mission on Earth at this time.

πŸ’Ž Working with higher dimensional beings and clearing energies that are not harmonious to you in your Souls ascension pathway.

πŸ’Ž Bring in Light codes for humanity and expansion of your future self timelines and multidimensional expression.

πŸ’Ž Innerstanding Earth Crystal Grids & Galactic - Solar Sun changes at this time. Navigating your health and wellbeing to better align with the New Earth.

In Peace Love and Harmony to you all
